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Author: Jill Maschio, PhD
In an attempt to gain attention of their company, Artisan, decided to post signage promoting stop hiring humans. The marketing campaign was promoted in the San Francisco area. Artisan is an AI-based company, with AI employees called Artisans. On their website, they claim to be creating a world where Artisans will work alongside humans to automate work. The company has multiple AI Artisans, and Ava is their first sales rep. Ava can complete sales tasks, including read your website and then tailor a sales campaign. Ava can complete the work of a team. Their site claims to generate $4.5 million.
How Ava, The AI Sales Rep Employee You Can Hire, Works
What Artisan didn’t expect from promoting AI over human employees was 1000s of death threats. On the flip side, the company claims to have experienced their biggest growth from the start of the company. Maybe people hate the idea of AI taking over human jobs, but at the end of the day, companies can use AI to get tasks done quicker and with lower cost. Something that I don’t think many companies are thinking about – the more AI takes over human jobs and people are jobless, the fewer people have the money to pay for products and services. Something to thinking about!
I do believe that exact issue will become a bigger, and bigger problem in the future. Yet jobs in the trades, like carpentry, plumbing, welding in the field, will still require humans to perform the job. Yet as long as college is pushed as the way to a better way of life financially, then people will be faced with fewer job opportunities. Yet the trades force people to have a work ethic, and be drug free. However, even today with the potential to make $80,000 a year or more working in the trades, they are in critically short supply of people.